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OPEN CALL: The Humburg Institut for Advanced Study (HIAS)


OPEN CALL: The Humburg Institut for Advanced Study (HIAS)

The Humburg Institut for Advanced Study (HIAS) is happy to inform you that the Call for Applications for the academy year 2024/2025 is out now.

Academics from the postdoc level onwards as well as musicians and visual artists can apply for a HIAS Research Fellowship of a maximum of ten months. Essential requirements are intellectual curiosity, interest in other disciplines, and willingness to engage in dialogue beyond one’s own field of expertise. Ideal candidates are top-class scientists, scholars, artists and musicians who reflect on basic assumptions of their discipline and work theoretically or conceptually. The nomination of early career researchers or young artists is explicitly welcome.

In order to ensure systematic networking of the fellows in the Hamburg academic community and to provide access to research infrastructure that may be needed, high-ranking researchers from Universität Hamburg or other HIAS member institutions act as cooperation partners. HIAS fellowships and these research tandems can serve to strengthen our partnership.

Applications should be submitted to the HIAS administrative office ( by Oct. 31, 2022. Further information on the requested application documents can be found at

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